Monday, July 28, 2008

wow! what a summer

I guess it has been a while since I posted anything here! It has been a crazy and unreal kind of summer, both in schedule and amazing things that have happened.

As I sit here, I am recovering from 2 amazing weeks away, the first was at Sr. High Camp and the second was Sr. High Mission Trip. And at the same time, some of my dearest friends have just had their second child. They are spending the first few hours together, and I hope to see them all tomorrow.

In the meantime, there are about 1000 stories and thoughts I want to post, and I have made a commitment to myself to get them out there so that others might enjoy as well.

Here are some of the topics/titles that are in the hopper...

"The other side of the rail" (communion post, awesome story)
"Mission Trips thoughts"
"It's almost like homeless people are real people"
"Never drive a bus in a cemetery at night"
"Always fill your youth trips with awesome adults"
" A new understanding of youth empowerment"
" A new understanding of sharing the blessing of ministry"
"Answering the call to ministry" (made my summer!)
"Why we need a lot more adults/parents in youth ministries"
" Some awesome program ideas I had a 2 am while sleeping on the floor"

Lots more thoughts coming, I promise...thanks for hanging with me over the summer!