Thursday, May 29, 2008

a postmodern slap in the face...identity crisis

today I got a flyer for a very popular youth ministry conference that happens 3 times all over the country every year. It is put on by a HUGE publishing company that publishes a slew o books on "postmodern" youth ministry. (Have no idea what I am talking about, click here for a postmodern primer)

I was struck beyond words at the cover...this is what it says: (only with fancy graphic designs behind it)

make it a convention
make it a camp for youth workers
make it a spiritual retreat
make it whatever you want
...whatever you need
...its yours

I have been to these conferences and they are spectacular. they always bring in the "biggest bands" and the greatest speakers. They make you laugh, they make you cry, they teach, they connect. They are really a great tool for youth directors....twice...I went three times and the third time seemed like the same thing, just with a different "theme".
I know other people go every year, and if that is what works for them, great! I just got tired of the "show" given my current state of mind and ministry context.

The thing that is so striking to me, is that these conventions have always been very specific in goals and targeted in purpose and knew exactly who they were and what their purpose was....
now...the postmodern lens has come into view...and the attitude of "whatever" is creeping into this event.

Sounds to me as though this company is having a REAL BIG identity crisis...

In try postmodern fashion - they seem to be struggling with identity formation and identity evolution.

One of the things that this generation of youth ministers (and ironically enough - much of the education in this was done by THIS company) has been taught, is that the generation that we are working with now (you and your kids) have had, are having, and will continue to have identity crisis and times of exploration. Long gone are the days of people retiring having worked for a company for 40+ years (or 10 years for that matter). This is not a product of loyalty, this is a product of career shifts.

As we all go through the next few years together (talking to my SUMC people here) I look forward to exploring identity in Jesus Christ with you. I believe vocation and calling are central themes to happiness in life. I look forward to sharing this adventure together.

Questions for you to ponder:
What are you passionate about?
If you could do one thing for the rest of your life what would you do?
What would you do with your time if someone gave you 100 million dollars?
Who are you (deep down) and how i god shaping the person that you are becoming?
Who has greater influence on you - God or friends?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section if you wish...

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