Thursday, November 8, 2007

thanks for the memories, and the reminder

A friend of mine asked me to come and speak at "Career Day" at the middle school she teaches this morning I was headed down to Garland to give the kids "30 minutes in the life if a youth director"...

Here are the 2 major things I learned today:

1) I think being a teacher is the nobelest profession there is. I love Jr. High the right setting. I get to have fun with them, teach them for 15 minutes, and then send them home only to see them a week later (with some exceptions of course)...teachers see this kids all day..everyday...I was reminded today why teaching is hard.

2) I would not go back to middle school for a million bucks! (unless I was tall, skinny, & funny) The 6th graders got to get out 3 minutes early of each class, for the sole reason that they needed a head start on the "big kids". 3 minutes to sprint (only there is no running in the halls) to the other side of the building so you don't get run over..what an existance...

For all this negativity, there were however a few redemptive moments - one was when the "cool kid", the huge 8th grade running back, the kid who sits in the back and sulks and is "too cool for all this" know the kid...when I told him we were playing a game, he moaned, dragged his feet, and refused to sit on the floor. 2 minutes into the game, he looked at me like I was the THE GUY who ruined his day...6 minutes into the game he was laughing, smiling, and carrying on...makes me smile thinking about it!

Then, when I skipped boxed Jason's deli lunch to go eat Indian buffett with my college roomie...that was awesome too!

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