Tuesday, March 25, 2008

christian conferencing

one of the things that John Wesley found to be super important in any Christians faith (especially those involved in his societies) was the idea of Christian Conferencing... gathering together to learn...

In April, I will be traveling to Chicago to participate in a student ministries event called SHIFT. I first was inspired to go when I heard who the speakers were - Brian McClaren, Shane Claiborne, and Mark Yaconelli. I learned more about it, got myself registered and am excited...

THEN...today I got my list of break-out sessions that I am registered for. This got me CRAZY SUPER-DUPER excited!

Here they are:

Student Ministries Leadership Conference
A07: Reculturing Student Leadership

B27: Helping Students Think Critically About Marketing

C44: Remythologizing Our Teaching

D61: Deep Justice in a Broken World

4 topics I care deeply about and want to learn more about!

oh man, is in April yet?

I look forward to sharing what I learned with you all....

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