Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the first post

I decided, on a whim, to start a blog...again.

I had one a few years ago, and decided to abandon it after a few see there were 5 people reading it...seriously 5....and my mom and wife were 2 of them! So, I got tired of it..



I don't really know what I am going to write about on here - except that I know I will be blogging more than Rob...

SIDENOTE: (Rob is a friend of mine from back home who's blog went dead for the he claims to be "back"....we will see) he also had a blog (including one that I was a contributor on after my blog died) once that has been since disbanned (he claimed for "server reasons" and I claim for "laziness reasons"). Rob is, outside of my brother, the funniest person I know and a very talented writer. he really should blog more and work less....

Anyway...all of this is to say....hi...thanks for checking out my blog.

now lets get to it!!

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