Thursday, September 13, 2007

signs, signs, everywhere the signs...

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine in the UCC church was one of the young adults spearheading a campaign for the UCC church, and thier "slogan" or tagline was:

"god is still speaking"

A group of us got into a discussion about this late one night. We all believed that in fact, God was still speaking, when someone posed possibly a more important questions, which was "then why aren't people listening"...

this is when the conversation got good....

After many hours (drifting well into the next morning) of conversations about

"what does the voice of God sound like" (to which there were 7 (out of 7) different opinions),

"people are too busy",

"people have not been 'trained' how to listen",

"people don't want to listen (especially men)", (to which I took great offense)

"people think they can hear it, but it is not a 'clear calling' (all 7 of us could site examples of clergy that should not be in ministry...)

but in the end, the thing that veryone settled on as the most common reason, is that people are too concerned with the "whoa" factor. Skeptics want to write things off as a coincidence, and even people of faith have moments of doubt (which personally I think a pinch of doubt makes faith all the more stronger and causes you to dig deeper) in the "voice"...

In my daily life, I think there is a "still, small voice" - sometimes not in my ear...

Today was one of those days when the "small voice" turned into a "oh yeah, I am pretty serious" voice...

god is good...

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